Restoring Native Habitat For All
Swamp Creek Habitat Restoration Project endeavors to build community connections, raise awareness about issues of climate and environment, and engage in hands on work with tangible benefits for the health of the Swamp Creek Watershed.
What are you doing exactly?
We are removing non-native invasive plant species from the Swamp Creek corridor and replacing them with native species.
Why remove non-native invasive plants from the park? Does it really matter what kinds of plants are there?
Non-native invasive plant species spread quickly–outcompeting, displacing, and crowding out native plants–and create monocultures. They are poor habitat and poor food sources for native insects, birds, and other critters, impede access to habitat for larger mammals, and degrade fish habitat, making them both a threat to biodiversity and a cause of habitat loss. Non-native invasive plants contribute to poor soil health and erosion. When that erosion is on steep slopes, landslides become more likely, and when it is along stream banks, water quality is imperiled. Non-native invasive plants are a threat to farmland and grazing mammals and can also be destructive for the human built environment.
In short, we believe it matters a great deal what kinds of plants are in the park!
Nature abhors a vacuum and native habitat is valuable for all, so we select, plant, and care for native plant species in our restoration areas.
Okay, but who said you can do this?
We are currently working in Wallace Swamp Creek Park and at 175th St/Swamp Creek South through the City of Kenmore’s Adopt A Park Program.
Who are you?
Swamp Creek Habitat Restoration Project is a project of Sno-King Watershed Council, a 501c3 non-profit organization, in collaboration with the City of Kenmore. Sno-King Watershed Council is entirely volunteer run, just like Swamp Creek Habitat Restoration Project. We are a group of community members passionate about the environment, just like you!
Can I join you?
YES! We would love to have you. RSVP for an upcoming work party!
Great! Where is Wallace Swamp Creek Park?
19851 73rd Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
Where is the 175th/Swamp Creek South site?
7913 NE 175th St, Kenmore, WA 98028
Wait, don’t leave! I have more questions!
We would love to hear from you!